Expansion of communication services at Al-Mandhiriya outlet

Tue 17 Safar 1444AH|

Part of the expansion of communication services at Al-Mandhiriya outlet by the engineering cadres in the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology, as a new convoy was created near the zero point to provide [...]

Al-Arbaeen day is the greatest Shiite maneuver

Tue 17 Safar 1444AH|

Al-Arbaeen day is the greatest Shiite maneuver with live ammunition of sincere feelings to simulate the response to the call of Al-Mahdi (may God bless him and grant him peace) and help him at his [...]

Putting the instructions of how to use the free internet

Tue 17 Safar 1444AH|

The information and communication technology team in Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe is an integrated team that works with dedication and sincerity on putting instructions of how to use the free Internet in all the ways leading to [...]

A father sees the picture of his martyred son when he went to visit imam Hussein (p) at Al-Arbaeen day

Tue 17 Safar 1444AH|

إبنه شهــيد في الحــشـد، وعندما ذهب لزيارة الأربعين مشياً وجد صورة إبنه في أحد المواكب فجلس يبكي وهو ينظر إليها …يا أيها الشهداء كتبتم التاريخ بتضحياتكم، علمتمونا أن من رام عزا لم يعانده القدر … [...]