أميرُ المؤمنين علي في وصف الإمام المهدي (صلواتُ اللّٰه عليهما) من الخطبة ١٣٨ من نهج البلاغة.
«ألا وفي غد ـ وسيأتي غدٌ بما لا تعرفون ـ يأخذ الوالي من غيرها عمّالَها على مساوئ أعمالها، وتُخرج له الأرض أفاليذ كبدها، وتلقي اليه سِلْماً مقاليدَها، فيريكم كيف عدلُ السيرة، ويُحيي ميِّت الكتاب والسُنّة». أميرُ المؤمنين علي في وصف الإمام المهدي (صلواتُ اللّٰه عليهما) من الخطبة ١٣٨ من نهج البلاغة.
Preparing visitors who benefit from the free internet service
The Data Control Center announces that the number of visitors benefiting from the free internet service reached 747,961 beneficiaries until 13:00 on Safar 21, 1444, i.e. a difference of 17,426 thousand visitors from the last [...]
Our pledge to Zahra for years, we will remain servants of Hussein.
The General Directorate of Information and Communication Technology continues to provide its services to our valued visitors.
Believers, if you help Allah, He will help you and strengthen your feet.
A graphic coverage showing the crowding of visitors to free communication and internet services from inside the Holy Karbala.
With jihad and steadfastness.. Karbala is the pulse of existence
The continuation of the internet and free communication provided by the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology to cover the holy governorate of Karbala and its suburbs… on Al-Arbaeen day
If not this flag…
If not this flag... the walkers would not have walked
«فكد كيدك واسعَ سعيك وناصب جهدك، فوالله لن تمحو ذكرنا ولن تميت وحينا»
«فكد كيدك واسعَ سعيك وناصب جهدك، فوالله لن تمحو ذكرنا ولن تميت وحينا» كانت قراءة السيدة زينب (ع) للمعركة لا تتلخص في أرض كربلاء، بل تراها معركة ساحتها التاريخ والمستقبل، معركة بين قيم ومبادئ وركائز [...]
نحنُ أمةٌ قادتها شهداء
جَميعَهُم أحتَرَفوا العروُجْ لأنّهم مُخلصين و حِملهُم خفيف يَرحلون الواحِد تِلوَ الآخر ، يشتاقهم الله تعالى فيأخذهم إليهِ مُخضّبين بدماء الطُهر ، شُهداء الشهداء القادة : الشهيد القائد ابو موسى العامري الشهيد القائد حاج مهدي [...]
Najaf Airport achieves the highest navigation rate in its history
Najaf Airport achieves the highest navigation rate in its history and the history of airports in Iraq, with 32 planes landing within one hour to perform the forty million visit...
The heroes and Mujahideen Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe Communications continue to serve the honorable visitors.
The heroes and Mujahideen Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe Communications continue to serve the honorable visitors.
Serving our valued visitors in Samarra
The service of valued visitors in the city of Samarra continues without interruption and the full alertness of the cadres of the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology with the increase in the number [...]
Hussain’s supporters
The engineering cadres continue to provide the services that have been activated by the General Directorate of Information and Communication Technology, which is represented in the free internet service for visitors of the fortieth march [...]
The souls that Karbala took care of, nothing can scatter them
From inside the holy city of Karbala, crowds of roarers flock to the processions of the free call provided by the heroes of Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe
The men of Al-Hashed, the monks of the night and the Lions of the day…
The engineering effort teams of the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology continue their work in the late hours of the night to expand the Internet service in the holy city of Kadhimiya and [...]
Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe Communications continues to provide its services to the honorable visitors through the free call at the Al-Mandheriya outlet
Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe Communications continues to provide its services to the honorable visitors through the free call at the Al-Mandheriya outlet.
On the way to God
On the way to God. There is no need for sight, insight is the ascension Young and my heart contained your love..
Communication service in the city of Samarra
Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe communications are at the service of the honorable visitors around the clock in the city of Samarra
The picture talks about the service of the heroes and their sincerity…
History will perpetuate those who anchored the ships of peace and watered the tree of unity with their blood for the sake of the homeland, and it will curse those who sold the homeland and [...]
Communication is a continuous service around the clock
Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe communications are at the service of the honourable visitors around the clock in the city of Samarra