Statistical position until 05:00 pm on 15th Safar
The data control center for Al-Arbaeen day announces the statistical situation until 05:00 pm on the 15th of Safar, where the coverage included the following outlets as follows: Shalamcheh outlet, Zorbatiyeh outlet, Munthiriya outlet. City [...]
Data Control Center announces an increase in the number of free Internet users
Data Control Center announces an increase in the number of free Internet users
They speak one language that everyone understands, the language of Husseini love
They speak in one language that everyone understands, which is the language of Husseini love That love that did not stand in front of him, neither geography nor nationality nor language.
The Joint Coordination Center for the Arbaeen day Joint Working Cell between the Ministry of Communications and Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe Authority
A joint working cell between the Ministry of Communications and Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe Authority provides free internet and communication for visitors of the Arbaeen day of Imam Hussein (p) and along the visitors’ roads leading to [...]
Al-Ittihad trucks to Zorbatia port transport visitors directly to Karbala
Since yesterday, Saturday (10-9-2022), the trucks belonging to the Union Company have been entered into Zurbatiya port to transport visitors directly to Karbala, and others will be allocated to Najaf.
*A manifestation of the beauty of loyalty and righteousness to parents
Among the manifestations of the beauty of loyalty and kindness to parents, peace be upon the souls and souls that made their way towards Al-Hussain (peace be upon him).
Unremitting efforts continue to work day and night to deliver free internet
The cadres of the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology in the Popular Mobilization Authority continue day and night to deliver free internet service to the Arbaeen visitors, and work continues in column 836 [...]
The second week of continuous work on the free services provided by the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology in the Al-hashed Al-shaabi
The free communication and internet services provided by the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology in the Al-hashed Al-shaabi for the visitors of the Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) enter its [...]
The data control center for the Arbaeen visit recorded an increasing increase in uploading and downloading data for users at free internet broadcasting points across Iraq.
The General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology in Al-hashed Al-shaab announced today, Sunday, that the data monitoring center for the Arbaeen visit has recorded an increasing increase in downloading and uploading data for users [...]
In response to the call of our valued visitors
Specialized technical Staff were directed for the purpose of providing Internet service in (Hawally Najaf - Karbala Street) near Sayed Judeh, starting from column 1390 (ِِAl-raya column) to column 1405.
Al-Shawaf Street in the holy city of Samarra is included in the coverage of the free internet service
Al-Shawaf Street in the holy city of Samarra is included in the free internet coverage provided by the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology in the Al-hashed Al-shaabi Authority.
More than 700 fighters in Al-hashed Al-shaabi among engineers…
More than 700 fighters among engineers, technicians, administrators, media and others, as well as directors of directorates affiliated with the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology in the Popular Mobilization, have been continuing for [...]
Wonderful photos taken by the cameras lenses of our valued visitors
Wonderful pictures taken by the cameras’ lenses of the visitors and the smile and joy on their faces at the free internet points, which made it easier for them to communicate and reassure their families
ملف احصائيات خدمة الانترنت والاتصال المجاني لهيئة الحشد الشعبي لعام 2022
بالارقام: مركز مراقبة البيانات في المديرية العامة لتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات ينشر الموقف اليومي الاحصائي لخدمات الانترنت والاتصال المجاني المقدمة لزائري اربعينية الامام الحسين (ع). حيث بلغ عدد الزائرين المستفيدين من خدمات الانترنت والاتصال المجاني ٨٩٠.٤٩٩ [...]
A large turnout of visitors to free broadcast points on the Internet in the city of Samarra
Pictures | A large turnout of honorable visitors to the free broadcasting points on the Internet in the city of Samarra and a large crowd of the heroes of the General Directorate of Information and [...]
More than 400 visitors used the service at the Muntheria outlet
In just five hours, more than 400 visitors were registered using the free internet service at Al-Muntheriya outlet
Publishing educational banners in several languages on how to take advantage of the free services
The General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology continues to publish educational banners in several languages on how to take advantage of free services to visitors of Al-Arbaeen day of Imam Hussein (peace be upon [...]
Publishing educational banners in several languages on how to take advantage of the free services
The General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology continues to publish educational banners in several languages on how to take advantage of free services to visitors of Al-Arbaeen day of Imam Hussein (peace be upon [...]
Visitors continue to receive free internet service
يستمر إقبال الزائرين على خدمة الإنترنت المجاني ومشاركة أجواء الزيارة مع الأهل والأصحاب، متناسين إرتفاع درجات الحرارة. كوادر إتصالات الحشد الشعبي تتمنى للزائر الكريم زيارة مقبولة وميسرة.
Loyal ones race to provide service to the visitors of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)
The cadres of the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology in the Popular Mobilization Authority are working around the clock to provide the best technical services in Zorbatia, specifically the military engineering procession.
Free internet in the procession of the two martyrs
Scenes with pictures | Visitors of the forties flocked to one of the points of the General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology to broadcast free internet in the port of Muntheriya, specifically the procession [...]