Between a visitor and a servant… Affiliates of Al-Hashed Al-Saabe Authority continue their service

Between a visitor and a servant... Affiliates of Al-Hashed Al-Saabe [...]

2022-09-22T10:43:14+03:00Wed 18 Safar 1444AH|general news, our activity|

Raising banners advertising the free internet service to serve the honorable visitors in the holy city of Samarra

The mobile technical teams of the General Directorate of Information [...]

2022-09-22T11:31:38+03:00Wed 18 Safar 1444AH|general news, our activity|

The General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology in Al-Hashed Al-Shaabe Authority is working to expand free services

The General Directorate of Information and Communications Technology in Al-Hashed [...]

2022-09-14T16:57:54+03:00Tue 17 Safar 1444AH|general news, our activity|

Heroes of the General Directorate of Information and Communication Technology from Soh Al-Jihad to serving Al-Hussein (peace be upon him).

If the people of high determination descend the mountain from [...]

2022-09-14T14:47:32+03:00Tue 17 Safar 1444AH|general news, our activity|

The technical cadres stationed at Al-Mandhiriya outlet are racing for the honor of serving the visitors

The technical cadres stationed at Al-Muntheriya outlet are racing to [...]

2022-09-14T14:52:30+03:00Tue 17 Safar 1444AH|general news, our activity|

The cadres of the Directorate are fully prepared to serve the visitors of Abi Abdullah Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) at the Al-Mundhiriya outlet.

The cadres of the General Directorate of Information Technology are [...]

2022-09-14T14:52:23+03:00Tue 17 Safar 1444AH|general news, our activity|

The engineering effort continues its artistic work on expanding the Internet throughout the Holy Karbala

In conjunction with the approaching Al-Arbaeen of Imam Hussein, peace [...]

2022-09-14T13:28:25+03:00Tue 17 Safar 1444AH|general news, our activity|
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